
I was born in Japan and grew up in Tokorozawa, Saitama. I was hopelessly different from fellow countrymen from childhood on. I daydreamed about the world and had not had any intimate friends, so I naturally started talking to myself. When I was ten years old, my mother allowed me to buy five books per month. From that moment on reading books has become my habit. When I was twenty-two years old, I determined to see the world; I took a job as a salesman and took various jobs to save money. Besides, I consciously felt that I wanted to be a writer, but I could not dare to imagine myself becoming one someday. I went to Vancouver, Canada to attend a language school where I met my friends. After that, I went to Mexico. And then I went to Australia to study, but after a year, I changed my mind to go back to Vancouver to attend the College. After two semesters, I took a long vacation to travel around Europe to cultivate myself. I was wandering around Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, and Czech Public. After the awakening, I left the College, disgusted with the atmosphere of the place and stupidity of the curriculum. I finally let myself walk on my private destiny relentlessly; I decided to spend all my time to dedicate to writing books.

I am an autodidact. I educated myself, taught myself how to write, and instructed myself what kinds of books I should read. My education largely depended on myself; however, my intelligence has somehow reached the ordinary level or more unique level, so to speak. I truly believe that I did the most difficult thing: I educated myself. Moreover, I really believe that self-education is the best way to be a unique writer.

I decided to be a writer, for I have wanted to express myself. As a matter of fact, I have always wanted to be an artist since my childhood. The most crucial incident in my life is that I read Henry Miller the first time. He was the man who showed me how wonderful an artist`s life would be and how to be a true artist. And also, he taught me that one must leave everything behind if he wants to be a writer. The very first time I read SEXUS , the ordinary everyday life was finished in me. It had no struggle; I just knew what I had to do. I calmly burned the bridge behind me and jubilantly started living my life in my own way – I was emancipated. Since then, I have never looked back to the past. Furthermore, I want to write like Knut Hamsun that is always in my mind. I have read a great deal of books in my life and admired a number of writers; however, Hamsun is the most on whom I have gotten influenced. I have never read such a beautiful writer. Even I went further to study his books line by line so that I could hopefully find a magic of his writing.

I love to express myself and write about my life. I am very lucky to have true friends and love to describe our friendship. I have the important mission as a writer in my life and the reality to write upon.

6 thoughts on “Biography”

  1. My name is Nataliya Nogachevska. I am from Ukraine. interesting, but my experience of life was a bit similar. so I really enjoyed reading your biography. It ispired me a lot. Keep on doing what you do and I do hope that God will bring you what you want from this life.

  2. Carlos Andrés Vásquez G.

    I really enjoyed reading your biography, but I rather enjoy being your friend. I love your writtings. All the best for you in the future and never stop fighting for getting your dreams.

    Your Colombian friend, Carlos.

  3. Hi,
    I just stumbled upon your blog. I must say your writing has already triggered a spark and have enthused me to continue reading!
    You’re a great writer.

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